People With Disability Empowering People With Disability

People with Disability Australia

People with Disability Australia (PWDA) is a national disability rights, advocacy and representative organisation led by people with all kinds of disability. Our main aim is to empower and promote the rights of people with disability, and create a society in which people with disability can fully participate.

Founded in 1981, the International Year of Disabled Persons, PWDA gives people with disability a voice of our own.

Wayfinder Hub

Information about disability services can be hard to find. One of our new national projects is the Wayfinder Hub, which helps you find your way around the disability service maze. Funded as a national disability information and referral service, we link people with disability to the specialist mainstream supports they need.

The Wayfinder Hub ensures that people with disability get the supports they need in order to live an equal and ordinary life within the community. We provide the information you need, help available over the phone, web based information, links and referrals.

The Hub is also a central knowledge base for mainstream organisations looking for guidance and advice about making sure they are accessible and open to people with disability.

Call the Wayfinder phone (toll free) on 1800 843 929, or email us at: [email protected].

Enable In project

PWDA also has an exciting new project called Enable In, which focuses on people with disability living in hard-to-reach NSW communities.

Are you homeless, living in a boarding house, or a woman in prison due to reenter the community soon? Are you looking for the right disability services and supports to ensure you have an equal and good life? The Enable In project can help.

Enable In works with people with disability in remote areas of NSW who are:

  • Homeless
  • Live in boarding houses or institutions
  • Or women in prison due to reenter the community

The Enable In team works directly with people with disability, their families and carers, to work out which supports they need and how to access them, including through the NDIS.

Our team of skilled and knowledgeable people support and navigate people with disability through the maze of services and supports others require because they have personal experience. Register your interest in becoming a Peer Support Navigator by emailing the Enable In team.

If you are a service providing disability support, information or advocacy for people with disability who are finding it hard to get supports that they need from NDIS or mainstream services, get in touch today. We can assist you, too.

Call the Enable In phone (toll free) on 1800 422 015, or email us at: [email protected].

And more

Visit the PWDA website to find out more about our work in individual advocacy, NDIS appeals support, policy and research, and other projects.

Why don’t you come and meet some of our team at the Gold Coast Disability Expo at the Gold Coast Event Centre, Bundall, on Friday and Saturday, June 7 and 8? Talk to us about how we can help you.