Meet our 2024 Expo Ambassador – Lorin Nicolson

We are excited to introduce Lorin Nicholson OAM as our Gold Coast Disability Ambassador. Lorin’s multifaceted talents as a record-breaking cyclist, accomplished musician, acclaimed author, motivational public speaker, and dedicated educator are inspiring. Yet his contagious belief in the power of believing, pursuing and bringing your dreams to life is what sets him apart.  

Born with Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) and declared legally blind at the age of four, Lorin could have easily succumbed to the limitations imposed by his condition. Instead, he became the first blind person to cycle over 4,000 kilometres across Australia, from Perth to Sydney, alongside his brother Dean, who is also blind.  

Their epic journey, aptly named “Blind Courage,” not only captured the hearts of our nation but also inspired Australians so that they could overcome their challenges. 

When asked what drives him to excel at such a high level, he tells us in his own words, “I’ve asked myself this question many times throughout my life and suspect there is something profound inside my character that underpins my quest for success and achievement that was possibly brought to the surface as a result of being bullied as a kid.”  

Being bullied fueled his determination to prove his worth through positive achievements. Thanks to the support of his family, teachers, and friends, he propelled forward, demonstrating the power of belief in yourself even when others try to bring you down.  

Reflecting on his record-breaking cycling achievement, Lorin says, “First and foremost is passion and enjoyment of the sport. Any high-level commitment must have a personal purpose, meaning, or incentive. Raise money for charity or promote a message or cause. You must recognise and celebrate the small milestones and achievements along the way. Success is indeed the journey, not just the destination.” 

Yet Lorin’s accomplishments don’t end there. He also has five albums, a Golden Guitar nomination, and over 4,500 motivational performances and keynote addresses. He has touched the lives of millions and instilled in them the belief that no obstacle is too big. 

Lorin’s accolades include a Queensland Service Award and the prestigious Order of Australia Medal (OAM), reminding us that anyone can use adversity to achieve greatness when they find courage and belief in themselves. 

Through his incredible achievements, Lorin’s message to the rest of us is to Dream Big, Harness Opportunities, Take Calculated Risks, Forge Strong Partnerships, Set High Goals, Achieve New Benchmarks, and Get the Job Done. 

In his children’s book, “The Amazing Bike Ride,” Lorin tells the next generation the importance of perseverance, self-belief, and the recognition that the most incredible mountain in life lies within oneself.  

As an educator, Lorin shares the importance of personal connections and the role of mentors in nurturing students’ self-belief. He says, “We spend so much of our time focused on the curriculum and programming, yet the greatest impact on student results comes from the relationship between teacher and student.” 

As the Gold Coast Disability Ambassador, Lorin’s role holds personal significance: “With so many of our fellow Aussies facing a variety of disabilities, it’s indeed my honour and privilege to be invited as their representative for this year’s Gold Coast Disability Expo.” 

The final message Lorin wants to leave with us is to remind us that with dedication and determination, the impossible becomes merely a steppingstone to greatness.